Hooker’s Green watercolor is a pure transparent non-staining watercolor that is a warm, natural green that can be used as a primary green.
It is one of the “greens” in the transparent non-staining watercolor palette used for the glazing technique and mixing with other colors.

Measured against a gray scale value finder, transparent non-staining watercolors are generally light in value ranging from 10% to a maximum of 70% value.

So, the colors in the transparent non-staining category are adequate for a complete palette, except for where darker passages require colors with values higher on the gray scale.
The characteristics of Hooker’s Green differ in hue from one brand to another. Holbein’s brand has a yellow summer green color and Winsor Newton’s brand is cooler and darker.
Like other transparent non-staining watercolors, Hooker’s Green can be lifted from a dampened watercolor paper without leaving a strong stain behind.
Add Aureolin or New Gamboge to Hooker’s Green to mix a variety of green colors that look more natural than using it straight from the tube.
Mix Hooker’s Green with Permanent Rose to create interesting mid-value transparent gray colors. For a darker gray, mix Hooker’s Green with Quinacridone Violet.
It also makes beautiful, luminous washes when glazed or mixed with the other watercolors in the transparent non-staining category.
Hooker’s Green can also be successfully mixed with watercolors in the semi-transparent non-staining category.
Mixed with semi-opaque or opaque colors, it will create a combination that is cleaner and more transparent than using only opaque colors.
Purchase watercolor paints using my affiliate links below:
… and the recommended transparent non-staining watercolors for glazing or color mixing with Hooker’s Green
… also the recommended semi-transparent and semi-opaque watercolors for mixing with Hooker’s Green
To learn more about transparent watercolors, click the link to my blog post “Which watercolor paints are transparent.”
See my YouTube playlist “Watercolor Paint Characteristics & Color Mixing” for more videos. And, subscribe to my YouTube channel.