French Ultramarine is one of my favorite blues. It is a semiopaque, warm blue that mixes well with other transparent nonstaining colors. It is a good color to use as foreground shadows. It sits between Winsor Blue and Ultramarine Violet on the color wheel.
The complementary color sits on the opposite side of the color wheel. For Permanent Mauve, the complementary color is:
The split-complementary colors are the two colors located on either side of the complementary color on the color wheel. The following are the split-complementary colors for Permanent Mauve:
Going clockwise on the color wheel from VIOLET to RED the analogous colors for Permanent Mauve are:
This Triadic consists of three SECONDARY colors. In addition to Permanent Mauve, the other colors that make up this Triadic color scheme are:
I use Ultramarine Violet as the INTERMEDIATE BLUE-VIOLET on the color wheel because it is a pure color that is perfect for its complementary color listed below.
The complementary color sits on the opposite side of the color wheel. For Ultramarine Violet, the complementary color is:
The split-complementary colors are the two colors located on either side of the complementary color on the color wheel. The following are the split-complementary colors for Ultramarine Violet:
Going clockwise on the color wheel from BLUE-VIOLET to RED-VIOLET the analogous colors for Ultramarine Violet are:
This Triadic consists of three INTERMEDIATE colors. In addition to Ultramarine Violet, the other colors that make up this Triadic color scheme are:
I use Manganese Blue Hue as the INTERMEDIATE BLUE-GREEN on the color wheel because it is a pure color that is perfect for its complementary color listed below.
The complementary color sits on the opposite side of the color wheel. For Manganese Blue Hue, the complementary color is:
The split-complementary colors are the two colors located on either side of the complementary color on the color wheel. The following are the split-complementary colors for Manganese Blue Hue:
Going clockwise on the color wheel from BLUE-GREEN to BLUE-VIOLET the analogous colors for Manganese Blue Hue are:
This Triadic consists of three INTERMEDIATE colors. In addition to Manganese Blue Hue, the other colors that make up this Triadic color scheme are:
See Alizarin Crimson. The color Permanent Rose, a pure transparent color, can be used as a substitute for Alizarin Crimson as the PRIMARY RED on the color wheel. Permanent Rose is also the RED used for the layered wash – glazing watercolor technique.
Rose Madder Genuine is a pure transparent color. It is the RED-VIOLET used for the layered wash – glazing watercolor technique. It is similar to Alizarin Crimson, but lighter in value and intensity.
Cobalt Blue is a pure transparent color that is considered to be a neutral blue. It is the BLUE used for the layered wash – glazing watercolor technique. For the PRIMARY BLUE in color schemes, see Winsor Blue.
Hooker’s Green is a more neutralized color than the pure transparent Viridian. So, I have not included it in my color schemes. It is a warm green useful in mixing a variety of greens for expressing landscapes and receding planes.
The complementary color sits on the opposite side of the color wheel. For Viridian, the complementary color is:
The split-complementary colors are the two colors located on either side of the complementary color on the color wheel. The following are the split-complementary colors for Viridian:
Going clockwise on the color wheel from GREEN to BLUE the analogous colors for Viridian are:
This Triadic consists of three SECONDARY colors. In addition to Viridian, the other colors that make up this Triadic color scheme are:
The complementary color sits on the opposite side of the color wheel. For Aureolin, the complementary color is:
The split-complementary colors are the two colors located on either side of the complementary color on the color wheel. The following are the split-complementary colors for Aureolin:
Going clockwise on the color wheel from YELLOW to GREEN the analogous colors for Aureolin are:
The three PRIMARY colors on the color wheel are YELLOW, BLUE and RED. In addition to Aureolin, the other colors that make up this Triadic color scheme are: