Color Schemes Watercolor Paint

Winsor Green (Yellow Shade)

In the past, I used Permanent Green Light (or Permanent Green #1) as the INTERMEDIATE YELLOW-GREEN on the color wheel. But, now I use Winsor Green (Yellow Shade) as the pure color that is perfect for its complementary color listed below.

The following color schemes are based on Stephen Quiller’s “Quiller Color Wheel (affiliate link)” and his book “Color Choices: Making Color Sense Out of Color Theory (affiliate link).”


The complementary color sits on the opposite side of the color wheel. For Winsor Green (Yellow Shade), the complementary color is:

Winsor Violet
Winsor Violet


The split-complementary colors are the two colors located on either side of the complementary color on the color wheel. The following are the split-complementary colors for Winsor Green (Yellow Shade):

Permanent Mauve
Permanent Mauve
Alizarin Crimson
Alizarin Crimson


Going clockwise on the color wheel from YELLOW-GREEN to BLUE-GREEN the analogous colors for Winsor Green (Yellow Shade) are:

Manganese Blue Hue
Manganese Blue Hue


This Triadic consists of three INTERMEDIATE colors. In addition to Winsor Green (Yellow Shade), the other colors that make up this Triadic color scheme are:

Ultramarine Violet
Ultramarine Violet
Cadmium Red Deep
Cadmium-Free Red Deep

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